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About the Program

Why should you join the program?

As an entrepreneur you know that you have a lot of hats on and especially in the beginning, you have been working 24×7. But this can’t be the end of your plan. Because what you so far created was a job with a lot of uncertainty and not really a business.

We want to take you on a journey that helps you to further build your business into a self running company, that brings you not only a better work-live balance but also creates wealth for you.

Your advantages by taking your business to the next level:

  • Financial Growth through many more clients
  • Continuous inflow of new clients
  • Automating your business in order to increase scalability and to create a self running business
  • Access to financing for your growth journey
  • Create a decent cash flow overview to secure funds
  • Building a business that is independent from you as the owner
  • Bring your business to the next level instead of being stuck in a job
  • Secure a sustainable business and create a valuable business for your own wealth.

What's in the program?

You will find answers on the following important questions:

  • Who are you? What are you strengths and weaknesses? What opportunities and threats are you facing?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your business? What opportunities and threats are you exposed to?
  • How can you create and design your visions and define according goals to reach that vision?
  • How to implement a decent planning with goals, milestones and actions to break it down to your daily life?
  • How to get a all time overview of your financial situation, in terms of cash flow and financial needs?
  • How to implement a sales and marketing strategy to generate a continuous flow of customer?
  • How to build a branding that helps you to position your company as a reliable business partner?
  • How to build your relationship marketing with your actual and future business partners?
And you will have access to a mentor who was there and did it. Someone that helps you to overcome threats and gives you access to great network of business partners and financials.

About the program...

Preparation Half Year
In this 6 months we will work with you through your businessplan and will coach you towards the program. We will get to know each other and will find out, if and how we can bring the two year journey to a success. At the end of these six months you will have an elaborated growth plan that is ready to implement.

First Half Year
As you are ready to go, you will get a mentor to your side and you will get lectures about how to grow a business. You will work out sales and marketing plans, develop your leadership, learn how to secure your financials and your cash flow and a lot more. We will also support you with our huge network and can give you access to growth capital.

Second Half Year
In this part of the program you will learn how to systemize and automize your business, learn how to recruit and manage employees, you will continue to develop your vision and implement your goals. Again you will always be supported by your mentor and will have educational sessions that are held like workshops so that you can mirror your learnings with your peers and plan the implementation into your business to start right after the workshop.

Second Year
This is where all the developed plans and skills shall bring your ultimate results. Having set up your growth plan and having the skills to grow, you will see your business growing. It’s now where you learn how to manage growth and succeed.

After you successfully fulfilled the program
We hope that you have enjoyed the journey and want to stay in touch with your peer entrepreneurs. It’s now where you will start to enjoy the alumni organisation. And it’s also when it’s time to give back. We are very happy to invite you to share your experience and mentor future students. Your benefit will be to still have access to the network of Rotary and other organisations that support this program.